Badly hanging quilt
This is another quick post. You may remember that I was horrified by just how badly this quilt hung at the Bristol Quilters’s recent exhibition. Well, in the comments I received there was a practical suggestion from lovely and knowledgeable Judith Barker:
The best aid to having straight edges and square corners on a quilt is a tiled floor! I pinched this idea from Carol Bryer Fallert, who has a HUGE studio with 12 inch square black and white tiles. My small workroom has vinyl flooring like fake wood blocks, all straight lines. My kitchen has square slates. You tape the quilt to the floor, and slide a cutting mat under the edge to trim. Really helpful.
Judith B.
The quilt that goes on giving
I’ve never been tremendously fond of the saying that you can eat all the pig except the squeak, but I do like to use as much of a quilt’s basic materials as I can before I begin throwing away, so here’s a mouse made out of the trimmings of this badly-squared quilt: